Here’s how we practice concussion awareness.

Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreational activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it’s important for all coaches, parents, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs. Our organization is committed to increased education, awareness, and established protocols that will assist you in gaining the knowledge and skills required ensuring the safety of your athletes. We can all work together to ensure a safe sport environment.

​Pre-Season Concussion Education

This document outlines everything an athlete needs to know about preventing a concussion or identifying one if it happens. Following rules like avoiding head contact, respecting their opponents, and reporting suspected concussions makes a safe environment.

​Concussion Recognition Tool

Head impacts can be associated with serious and potentially fatal brain injuries. The Concussion Recognition Tool 5 is to be used for the identification of suspected concussion. It is not designed to diagnose concussion.

Medical Assessment Tool

This document can be used by the athlete's Physician or Nurse Practitioner

Return to Play Protocol

A concussion is a serious event but you can recover fully from such an injury if the brain is given enough time to rest and recuperate. Returning to normal activities, including sport participation, is a step-wise process that requires patience, attention, and caution.

Making Head Way Concussion eLearning Series

This eLearning series from the Coaching Association of Canada is meant to help coaches gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of their athletes.

eLearning Series from the Coaching Association of Canada

Test Your Concussion iq