provincial Team

The top tier of Speed Skating Manitoba’s Athlete Development program.

By invitation only, the Provincial Team is geared towards athletes who are participating at national level competitions or championships. Having mastered the technical fundamentals to train and compete at a high level in both short and long track, these athletes are striving towards top performances.

This is the pathway towards training at a High Performance centre in Canada. Athletes will:

  • develop speed, strength, aerobic endurance and agility

  • optimize competitive development and strategies

  • improve overall knowledge of sport science concepts

  • have an educational environment that promotes and enhances knowledge of advanced training development and procedures

This is where champions are made.

development team

Support from world class coaches helps athletes on the pathway to the Provincial team and national competitions.

Designed for athletes currently training at the regional level, the Development Team supports athletes in their growth with a focus on technical and physiological development.

Athletes will:

  • enhance critical skill and speed skating technical proficiency

  • improve speed, strength, aerobic endurance, flexibility and agility

  • optimize competitive development and strategies

  • learn in an educational environment that promotes and enhances knowledge of training development and procedures

  • train with the objective of competing nationally