
Tips for Race Day

  1. Find your coach when you get to the rink. They will tell you which dressing room to use and any additional information you need to know.

  2. Warm-up! Ask your coach when you should start getting ready. Watch out for other skaters as you warm up on the ice.

  3. At least three races before your event, report to the Clerk of the Course who is at the whip area (row of chairs). Make sure you have your skates and all your safety equipment on before you go to the whip, otherwise they will send you back to get them. Make sure you have your neck guard - its a commonly forgotten piece of equipment.

  4. Check the results area for your time after each round of races you compete in. And check to see when you race again and what heat.

Good sportsmanship is important. Remember:

  • Regardless of how you do in your race, always be a good sport!

  • Even the best skaters in the world have great meets and not-so-good meets.

  • Take a moment after the meet to think about what you did great, what you did okay and what you want to work on at practice for the next meet.

Every meet is a great learning experience, so take advantage of it! And remember to say thank you to officials and congratulate your fellow competitors.